Laurence Manchee - Yoga Teacher, Permaculture Consultant and co-founder of Keela Yoga Farm

Monday, 8 December 2014

Avoiding Mosquitoes

With dengue fever lurking around Singapore where I live and malaria in Goa India where I recently went for one month for yoga teacher training, I thought I'd find out all the ways to avoid mosquitos without harming my body by taking malaria tablets and covering myself with toxic DEET. Due to the impending India visit, below is focused on avoiding malaria (Plasmodium falciparum)* from the Malaria carrying mosquitoes in Goa (Anopheles stephensi)*. I will update for dengue soon but i am sure it must be similar
  1. Malaria carrying mosquitos come out between dusk and dawn and particularly and between sunset and sunrise so be extra vigilant when following these mosquito tips when it's dark¹
  2. Don't let mosquitoes breed. Mosquitoes lay eggs in clear, unspoiled water, so make sure there is no buckets, pools or glasses of water around.¹
  3. Cover as much skin as possible with baggy clothing
  4. Mosquitoes dont like moving air so keep a fan on.
  5. Use a mosquito net so they can't get you
  6. Mosquitoes are attracted to the Carbon DIoxide that we breathe out so hiding that with garlic spray or eating more garlic makes it slightly harder for the mosquitoes to find you due to the sulphur compounds released from your breath or skin²
  7. Mosquitos are attracted to lactic acid which we build up during exercise, it comes out of your skin so wash it off quickly³. Also lactic acid is emitted when we eat salt and potassium so maybe eat less salt and potassium (potatoes, prunes, raisins, spinach, bananas, lima beans) while trying to avoid mosquites².
  8. Mosquitoes may be attracted to your odor so wash regularly and wear clean clothes.
  9. Homemade natural insect repellent to apply to skin with 60ml water and the following essential oils: 30 drops Citronella, 15 drops tree oil, 35 drops peppermint oil, 40ml Vodka  (I skipped the vodka)**
  10. Burning paper and other items that produces smoke keeps the mosquitos away. When I was in india they did this during sun set to keep them away.
  11. DEET - this is the best insect repellant, I cant find anywhere that says it is not. So if you're getting bitten a lot then get have it on hand and apply it when you go out when it's dark . :-( However dont use more than 50% Deet. It's better to use 20% deet and apply it more regularly****
Mosquito  Facts
  1. Only the female mosquitos feed on human blood as it helps with egg development. The mosquitoes actually eat nectar or sugar¹
  2. Over generations, mosquitoes become immune to pesticides and sprays which will call for humans to make stronger more toxic sprays¹

*National Institute of  health -
¹Centre for desiese and control -
²Quick and Dirty Tips -
³Mosquitono band -
**Tastey Yummies -

**** Popular Science -
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